Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)


At Daisychains we are very fortunate to have a fully qualified Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Coordinator (SENDCo) to work with parents and staff to ensure that every child is given the opportunity to reach their full potential.

How do I know if my child needs extra help and what should I do if I think my child has special educational needs?

As part of our settling in process we encourage parents to discuss any areas of concern with us at the earliest opportunity.

Throughout their time at Daisychains children will be observed as assessed using The Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum as a guide. Our staff are fully trained and able to identify where children need additional support and working with our SENDCo will do their best to ensure that your child’s individual needs are met.

Once your child has settled into nursery, any concerns you have about your child’s progress can be raised with your child’s key person, the nursery manager or SENDCo. We have an open-door policy and you parents are welcome to speak to us at any time.

How will Daisychains support my child with special educational needs?

All children are individuals and have a unique profile of abilities.  At Daisychains we plan activities to follow the individual child’s needs by observing the children to understand their current interests, development, and learning.


Early identification of children requiring additional support is important and our SENDCo supports all practitioners monitoring children’s progress to ensure they can effectively access the EYFS at the appropriate level.  If requirement for additional support is identified, our SENDCo and practitioners will work closely with the whole family.

Our SENCo will be able to give reassurance and advice to parents, plan and review individual targets with them and the key person and work with them to access additional support from external agencies where appropriate ie Speech and Language Therapist, Occupational Therapist and The Specialist Teaching and Learning Service.

How accessible is the nursery?

Daisychains is based in modular buildings on the St George’s Primary School site.  There is ample car parking available just outside the school gates and although the nursery is located up a small, hill, it is easily accessible via a paved footpath.

All rooms are located on one level, there is ramp access to the entry doors for all rooms. The nursery has a disabled toilet and changing facilities and is fully accessible.





What do we mean by speech, language and communication?

Speech refers to :

  • the action of producing speech
  • the ability to accurately produce sounds and build words
  • the ability to speak fluently, without too many hesitations or repetitions

Language refers to:

  • the ability to communicate through speech by knowing and choosing the right words
  • being able to join words together to convey meaning
  • understanding, processing and making sense of what people say

Communication refers to:

  • the way in which people use language to interact – speaking and listening
  • the ability to use language for different purposes and situations for example to question, clarify or describe
  • non – verbal communication, using and understanding non-verbal cues for example eye contact, turn taking, gestures, facial expressions and body language


Being able to communicate is one of the most important skills needed in life as almost everything we do requires some form of communication.  Everyday tasks such as asking for food and drink, making friends and having fun rely on our ability to communicate effectively.


At Daisychains we use a variety of different resources to help children develop effective communication skills, these include:

  • Using eye contact to ensure that full attention is given to the child
  • Being aware of body language
  • Listening without interruption
  • Makaton – see below for some key words


We may also use a Visual Timetable where appropriate.


For further information please click below:

Talking Point – Speech, Language and Communication Skills 






Why Do We Sign? Some Basic Rules
Signing helps the development of spoken language Always say the word as you make the sign
Signing helps the child to pay attention to us Make sure the child is watching
Signing makes us emphasise the key words of our message Allow time for a response
Signing makes us slow down, giving the child more time to process Use appropriate expression and body language
Signing gives a clear visual of what we are talking about Remember to sign the key words

Key Signs



The Meadowfield Inclusion Development and Support (MIDAS) Centre at Meadowfield School, Sittingbourne hold various courses for both parents and professionals.

The centre has a modern conference room with air-conditioned rooms and wheelchair access to all rooms.

Refreshments are provided throughout the day and a sandwich lunch is provided for day long courses.

For further information on the courses currently available visit the MIDAS website


Children’s centres offer a range of services for children and families across the whole of Kent.

Each district offers a wide range of services, including:

  • childcare
  • early education
  • training or finding a new job
  • antenatal classes
  • baby clinics
  • support with breastfeeding
  • support with parenting and speech and language
  • drop-in sessions for parents and children
  • services for children with special needs and disabilities
  • opportunities for families to get involved with volunteering and designing services.

Swale Children’s Centre Timetable September to December 2023.

Daisychains Nursery

Monday - Wednesday: 07:45 - 17:30

Thursday: 07:45 - 18:00

Friday: 07:45 - 17:00

01795 876473

Charity Number 1037737